Don’t get scammed
Fraudsters now have some clever tech and can make it look like it’s us or other legitimate companies calling, to try to get hold of your details or money.
Stay safe and know that We’ll never ask you to pay money to any bank or to someone else.
We’ll never ask to take control of your device for any reason.
We’ll never ask you to download software to your device.
We’ll never text you with links through SMS or on WhatsApp or any other messaging service or telephone numbers to use.
If you get a call from us, is it really us?
We never call you regarding your account with us or any sales calls. If you receive any call purporting to us please hang up without sharing any personal information with the caller. You can call us on the number on the front of your account statement for any matter related to your account with us. You can also contact your local designated asset manager.


ROAR COIN is a business brand of
Roar Money Limited
1 Burwood Place,
London, W2 2UT
United Kingdom

☏ +44 (0)20 3853 8239


Registered in England and Wales

Company Registration Number 13713100

ROAR COIN & ROAR MONEY Are The Registered Trade Marks